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Less Cleansing Clay

Less Cleansing Clay

500 g

Regular price 217,00 kr
Regular price Sale price 217,00 kr
Unit price 434,00 kr  per  kg
Sale Sold out



The Less Cleansing Clay is a spa-quality cleansing clay from the Moroccan Atlas Mountains. It features a unique microstructure and absorbency and cleanses thoroughly without drying out the skin. For soft and balanced skin.


Soaps, shower gels and shampoos—like detergents and household cleaners—clean with surfactants. Surfactants are substances that dissolve dirt and fats by breaking up their surface tension. However, surfactants also attack the fragile skin barrier, as it also consists of lipids. The skin then loses its natural self-protection, which causes the skin's moisture to evaporate and bacteria to penetrate the skin.

Cleansing with Less works in a fundamentally different way. Instead of breaking up pollutants and fats, they are absorbed. Mixed with water and applied to the skin, the particles of the Less Cleansing Clay powerfully bind impurities, toxins and excess fats, while leaving intact the delicate skin barrier. The result is soft and deeply cleansed skin that is not disturbed in its natural function as a moisture reservoir and protective shield.


  1. Fill a shallow bowl with 1–2 scoops of Less Cleansing Clay and add twice the amount of hot water.
  2. Without stirring, let the mixture cool and swell for 3 minutes, then apply to wet skin. Spare eyes and lips.
  3. After a short application time of 2–4 minutes, rinse off with plenty of water. Enjoy cleansed, soft, and refined skin.


Moroccan Washing Clay


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  • Less Gala Spa Awards
  • Less Wallpaper Design Awards
  • Less Dezeen Awards


Lyn Harris

Founder of Perfumer H, London

"What immediately struck me about Less was how different it was: how simple, true and honest. And it makes so much sense: why am I putting cream after cream on my skin to not see much of a difference except a very shiny face? So I tried Less to find after a month using my skin felt balanced, normal and content for the first time since I was a young girl.

I had been using eye cream for 30 years and it made no difference, I still had dark circles under my eyes. After using Less for a month, the dark circles were gone. I couldn't believe it. My skin feels wonderful and radiant, my pores are clean and I feel more balanced and less cluttered. I love the Less Cleansing Clay and the Less Face Oil, I think they are genius.”

Ilse Cornelissens

Founder of Graanmarkt 13, Antwerp

"What immediately caught my attention was something that Dr David Scherf, the founder of Less, had said: 'The people with the best skin are usually the people who use the fewest products.' After putting some thought into it, I realized: That is really true!

Since using Less, I feel that my skin has gained some kind of natural glow. I use the Less Face Oil every day and I use the Less Cleansing Clay once or twice a week. On the days when I combine the clay with the oil, my skin looks like I just came out of a spa treatment, I really love it!"

Miwa Ogasawara

Artist, Hamburg/Kyoto

"My first touch point with Less was the packaging. It was so different: so calm, sensual, without a logo, without promises, without plastic. I had never seen such a reduction and purity in skin care before.

Every morning and evening I take a little bit of the Less Cleansing Clay to cleanse my face. I then use the Less Face Oil with lots of water. In Japan, rituals are given much attention and joy. It is about taking time and consciously experiencing every action, every detail. Less is a daily source of peace and joy for me."

Anna Neugebauer

Hair and Makeup Artist, Berlin/London

"The skin is our largest organ. But in today's world of consumption, our skin is usually "over-consumed" by all the many different products advertised by the major cosmetics companies. What makes Less different from all other skincare brands is that it is not aimed at the customer consuming as much as possible, but as little as possible. Less is also the only skincare brand I know that is completely additive-free. This reduction and purity is very dear to me.

I love the Less Face Oil—it provides everything the skin needs and also has a natural matting effect. The skin becomes smoother and the skin texture is refined. The better the skin, the less make-up is needed."

Customer Reviews

Based on 16 reviews
Reinigungsprodukt und Basispflege mit LESS

Ich finde die Reinigung mit dem Clay unglaublich gut. Die Haut wird sanft und tief gereinigt, ohne sie auszutrocknen. Die Poren sind feiner geworden und Mitesser verschwinden.
Das Öl zur Nachtpflege nährt angenehm und reichhaltig (ich benutze das Öl für trockenen Haut).


I’ve used it and it’s good but coming in a bag and having to use it with a spoon and little bowl is a little cumbersome . I’m thinking if they could develop it into a wet paste already and put it in a tube that would be great when travelling . But the clay works well and cleans the face well .

Thank you for your kind review. Creating a water-based paste would necessitate the inclusion of emulsifiers and preservatives, which would diminish the efficacy of Less Cleansing Clay. Consider the preparation process a ritual, akin to a tea ceremony, albeit much shorter. Utilizing our beautifully crafted accessories will transform this into a delightful experience.

Elisabeth Waldner

Die Haut ist nach der Reinigung weich und glatt.
Wenn ich jedoch einen Messlöffel Clay und zwei Messlöffel Wasser nehme, ist die der Clay fast zuwässrig
Ich muss ausprobieren, ob 1 zu 1 nicht besser ist.

Maria W.
So schön einfach und so wirksam

Ich bin über eine Anzeige auf Less aufmerksam geworden und habe mich sofort angesprochen gefühlt. Ich benutze das Öl und den Clay seit etwas über einen Monat und bin begeistert und überzeugt. Meine Haut ist ruhig, glatt und sieht schlichtweg gut aus. Das Hautbild hat sich verfeinert! Das erste Mal nach einer Pflege und ich bin 42! 😅 Die Tonerde ist seeehr ergiebig. Da braucht man wirklich wenig. Ich empfehle Less auf jeden Fall.


Great stuff! Make my face feel super clean and soft, and a little goes a long way! I don't use it every day, but when I get pimples I use this (and the oil) and my skin clears up almost immediately.

Ute Völcker
Less ist einzigartig

Meine erste Begegnung mit Less war eher zufällig, und dafür bin ich sehr dankbar.
Meine oft irritierte Haut war nach kurzer Zeit klar, glatt und fühlte sich leicht an.
Ich benutze fast kein Make-up, keine Tages- oder Nachtpflege und keine Augenpflege mehr.
Für mich ist Less mehr und nicht weniger!

A Changer

Ich habe sehr empfindliche Mischhaut, neige zu trockenen Stellen, Rötungen und parallel zu einem fettigen T-Steifen. Ich habe sehr viele hochwertige Produkte ausprobiert aber die Kombination der Reinigungserde und dem light skin oil hat innerhalb von 4 Wochen mein Hautbild das erste Mal seit Jahren signifikant verbessert. Wenn ich mein Gesicht mit der Reinigungserde wasche ist sie weich und nicht irritiert, das Öl im nassen Gesicht zieht wunderbar ein ( ich nehme 7 Topfen) und gibt einen gleichmäßigen Teint, selbst am Abend habe ich weder trockene Hautstellen noch glänzende T-Zone, die Haut fühlt sich ausgeglichen an. Ich bin sehr glücklich mit diesem Produkt.Danke dafür.

Love Less

My brain loves the simplicity of just 2 products and my face/skin loves the effectiveness. A win win!