Anna Neugebauer (left) is hair and make-up artist. In this episode of "The People of Less" she tells us about her work and why good make-up often doesn’t even need make-up products. Anna lives in Berlin and London.

“In my work, I put great emphasis on preparing the skin. The better the skin, the less make-up is needed. To prepare the skin, I spray the model's face with water and then massage in a Less face oil. Face oils made of pure plant oils are ideal because they are completely natural and very similar to the structure of the skin. The massage improves the circulation in the skin, and the water and oil provide it with moisture and nourishment. The result is a healthy and silky skin. Since I usually work with a natural look for my models, I often don't need any additional make-up products."

"The combination of massage and care not only gives me an optimal basis for a beautiful make-up, but also creates a connection between me and the model. Models are constantly being touched by different people and it is important to me to treat the person and their skin with respect and to take the time to soothe both of them."

"The skin is our largest organ. But in today's world of consumption, our skin is usually "over-consumed". I notice that all the time. Most people's skin is dependent on and over-cared-for by all the many different products advertised by the major cosmetics companies. In reality, pure water is sufficient for cleansing and, depending on the condition of the skin, a touch of targeted treatment."

"I was introduced to Less by an employee of a client. What makes Less different from all other skin care brands is that it is not aimed at the customer consuming as much as possible, but as little as possible. Less is also the only skin care brand I know that is completely additive-free. This reduction and purity is very dear to me. Privately and for my work I use the lighter Less Face Oil Light. I love this oil – it provides everything the skin needs and also has a natural matting effect. The skin becomes smoother and the skin texture is refined. Only in winter, when it is very dry, I use the rich Less Face Oil Plus.“